Physical Check In:
This week's weigh in is finally a minus. Woohoo!! Granted I didn't lose much but at least I lost something. It isn't ideal because I am shooting for 2 lbs per weeks, but I am not giving up. Lets hope November is better. Don't forget next week is picture day. Not that you'll see any difference with so little weight loss.
Starting Weight: 271 lbs
Current Weight: 255.6lbs
Goal Weight 169 lbs
Mental Check In:
I attribute the small amount of weight loss I had this week to swimming, I feel it gives my body the workout it needs and the mental adjustment I need too. In case you hadn't noticed, I was not blogging daily because the last few weeks have been awful for me. I had a bunch of interviews at the beginning of the month and was hoping to have a new job by the end of the month. Not only did I not get a job, but all the interviews dried up and I can't find anything new to apply for that fits my skills.
That leaves me with applying for retail positions. I actually like working retail it's fun but the pay is lousy. Let hope I get some holiday work to help pay for Christmas. In the meantime I think this guy's T-shirt says it all.